Staying connected

Connect with a community of gestalt practitioners

Victorian Association of Gestalt Practitioners (VAGP)

Grounded in gestalt therapy’s power to transform and heal, the VAGP provides practitioners with opportunities for connection, learning and reflection, and is committed to promoting gestalt therapy in the wider community.

The VAGP is a member-based organisation for graduates, students, practitioners and others interested in gestalt practice, including organisational consultants and coaches.  It operates as a peer support and community of practice.

ConnectGround Clinic
Visit the VAGP


  • Membership of a like-minded community of practice for ongoing growth and connection.
  • Formal and informal opportunities to connect during gestalt training and beyond.
  • Access to online and in-person seminars, peer groups and other resources.
  • Opportunities to share your practice interests by facilitating seminars and groups.
  • Access to, and participation in an Australian and international gestalt community.